How It Started

They say life can change in an instant. My life was changed forever in November of 2021 when God showed me a terrifying vision of Hell. As a former atheist, addict, and USMC Veteran, this profound experience brought me to my knees crying out to God and seeking repentance. I gave my life to Christ that day. God had radically changed me by breaking the chains of addiction and anxiety, and gave me joy I've never experienced, peace that surpasses all understanding, and a purpose and meaning for my life.

About a year later, the Lord put it on my heart to make a t-shirt with "REPENT" in big bold letters on the front and to share my testimony on the back. I quickly realized how it opened the door to conversations with others from all walks of life. We may not have the ability to talk to everybody, but the beauty is we can still spread the gospel message by simply displaying the Good News on our clothing for the eyes of the lost to see, in hopes that seeds will be planted and hearts changed.